In the works
Agency vs Self-Sufficiency - some thoughts.
Better privacy through Proton
Distance from Disorder - Why and how we moved to Arkansas
Be Water, My friend. - Our first irrigation project at Stella Porta
The Great Pumpkin Patch Pump - Pumpkin Patch Irrigation project
Rural Internet - Solar-powered Wi-Fi, StarLink, and Cameras
The Guest House - Southern Hospitality
This is my Dirt - The Farmsteading Adventure Begins.
Home/Farm Automation
Amateur Radio
Hamming it up - Adventures in Amateur radio
Friggin in the Riggin - Adventures in Maritime and Aviation radio
Mayday… - The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
Search and Rescue
Rescue Me - Adventures in Search and Rescue
Woofing in the Woods - Training as a rescue medical professional
The M part of March - Tourniquet use and training
Thunderstruck - More than you wanted to know about lightning, much more!
Digital Privacy
Leaving the Apple EcoSystem - We got to get ourselves back to the garden.
Leaving the Apple Ecosystem - part 2 - Time to Monkey around with it.
Leaving the Apple Ecosystem - part 3 - The day-to-day apps.
Leaving the Apple Ecosystem - part 4 - The Unplugged Phone
PiCar - Raspberry Pi Car Radio Project
Part 1 - Why would anyone sane do this?
Part 2 - The Hardware.
Part 3 - 1-wire temperature sensors
Part 4 - An Overview of the Software
Part 5 - GPS, or where the heck are we?
Part 6 - Can you hear me now? - Raspberry Pi Audio.
Part 7 - Software Defined Radio.
Part 8 - Who ate all the CPU?
Part 9 - Play that funky music ...
Various pieces of hardware I constructed for PiCar
Rings and Knobs - Rotary encoder and LED rings
Power Management Part 1 - Safe shutoff switch
Power Management Part 2 - Turning on the Radio
CAN bus and Hacking your Car Network
Part 1 - ODB vs. CAN bus,
Part 2 - Connecting Raspberry Pi to CAN
Part 3 - Reverse Engineering CAN packets
Part 4 - Writing code to talk to CAN
Part 5 - ODB and older cars
Raspberry Pi Client/Server topics
Other Raspberry Pi Topics
What I do
- Wikipedia removed me, probably because of my politics. (who cares)
I am not a fan of past accomplishments; I care more about what you are doing today.
But If I had to summarize, I would say I am passionate about creating tools that preserve people’s freedom of speech and privacy.
I was an early homebrew computer hacker in the 70s, but I started my professional work around 1982. I worked for companies such as Digital Equipment Corp, Apple Computer, and PGP Corporation, and co-founder of Silent Circle, 4th A Technologies, and I was well-known in the cryptography and Cipherpunk worlds until I walked away from Silicon Valley when it turned its focus on censorship and leftist ideals.
Older Stuff
Silent Text - from Wayback Machine
Silent Text Design Notes (GitHub)